Utah Woman Loses 100 Pounds in One Year: Here’s How You Can Be Next

Weight loss: It’s as simple as eating less and exercising more, right?

No, that’s really not the case. If losing weight takes forever but you gain weight overnight, you might actually have health problems that are thwarting your efforts.

Angie Ehrenzweig is a good example of the need to overcome health problems first. Yes, she lost 100 pounds in a year, but the weight came off very slowly at first. When she presented to Health Utah, she was suffering from fibromyalgia, extreme fatigue, insulin resistance, depression, systemic inflammation and metabolic syndrome.

After work, she had so little energy left that she would go home and sit in her recliner the rest of the evening. She could no longer go on hikes with her friends or spend quality time with her husband and children.

Utah Woman Loses 100 Pounds in One Year: Here's How You Can Be Next

Her first appointment and scan

During her first appointment, Dr. Whit Roberts, DC of Health Utah, performed a specialized analysis of her body. The scan is a non-invasive assessment of the body’s functional status that provides immediate insight into the patient’s physiology, stress, fatigue, risk factors, etc.

Roberts could immediately see the many physiological challenges Angie faced. Sharing her thoughts on the analysis, Angie said: “I was blown away. I couldn’t believe the amount of information I had gotten and how much I had learned about my health. I doubt I would have learned more with 20 blood tests and an MRI.”

Before each appointment at Health Utah, patients complete a proprietary questionnaire that helps identify other health issues contributing to stubborn weight. The questionnaire is the result of Roberts’ 28 years of experience and research. There is almost always a perfect correlation between the results of the analysis and those of the questionnaire.

Roberts uses these two elements to guide him through a 40-minute consultation and assessment. Why so long? Roberts says: “The art of examining a person’s medical history is almost completely lost to medicine today. If a test or image can’t reveal a problem, doctors often ignore the patient’s symptoms. It’s really a shame. A wealth of information can be derived from listening to the patient. It simply takes time to hear and see everything the patient has to share.

Armed with all the information he needed, Roberts prescribed a health care and weight loss protocol for Angie. Fortunately, most of the time his protocols can address whatever he identifies during the scan, questionnaire, and consultation. This was the case with Angie.

Utah Woman Loses 100 Pounds in One Year: Here's How You Can Be Next
Photo: Utah Health

By the time she completed her treatment, she no longer suffered from the debilitating pain of fibromyalgia or crippling exhaustion. His depression was gone. The inflammation all over his body and the swelling in his legs were gone.

These signs indicate that the most serious health problems related to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome have been resolved. Without first addressing health issues, such as insulin resistance, weight loss is very difficult. This is why Angie lost relatively little weight at the start of her program.

What is the program ?

How Roberts and his team at Health Utah handled all of Angie’s issues is beyond the scope of this article. However, Roberts explained some of the protocols that can be used for one of his conditions, that of insulin resistance.

“With insulin resistance, the receptors on the outside of each cell literally change shape and no longer allow insulin to attach. This is a problem because glucose, which fuels the cell, can only get in if insulin attaches to it,” says Roberts.

With insulin resistance, the sugar that is supposed to enter the cells remains in the bloodstream where it causes damage. To prevent this damage, the body takes excess sugar and stores it as fat.

“This is why you gain weight and have difficulty losing weight with insulin resistance. It’s also why you need to address this problem before spending thousands of dollars and hours of effort to lose weight,” Roberts continues.

There are many different causes of insulin resistance, such as smoking and other lifestyle choices, poor diet, stress, toxins and metabolic disorders. So there are many ways to fix it. For example, to combat toxins, Roberts and his team use herbs that positively regulate phases one and two of liver detoxification.

Supplements are also often used to prevent blood sugar and insulin levels from rising in response to food and/or stress. For certain metabolic disorders, increasing production of the enzyme AMP may help. AMP kinase, for example, can help resensitize insulin receptors to insulin. “We achieve this through the use of infrared red light and heat therapy. Since the body’s inflammatory responses can increase the production and release of stress-related chemicals, the use of herbs that reduce inflammation can alleviate stress,” says Roberts. This is also done by identifying and removing inflammatory foods from the diet. Roberts also recommends occasional fasting. If you can go longer periods of time with low levels of sugar and insulin in your blood, your receptors tend to become more receptive to insulin.

First steps

Roberts and his team set aside over an hour for testing, evaluation and consultation. To discourage reserving a time and not showing up, a small fee of $59 is collected before the appointment. Your first step then is to call (801) 609-3478 or visit Health Utah today to schedule your testing, evaluation and consultation.

Special offer

In any health or weight loss journey, having the help of family and friends is essential. In a British study, researchers found that men and women were almost twice as successful at losing weight when they did it with a partner. So Health Utah offers this most popular weight loss package, priced at $59 for two people. You and a friend can get tested, receive a 17-page report, complete the exclusive survey, and get a consultation with Dr. Roberts. The scan alone normally costs $300 for one person.

Call (801) 609-3478 or visit Health Utah today to schedule your appointment.

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