Mercury’s playful energy will be important this week, heavily influencing what each zodiac can manifest between June 3-9, 2024.
The Gemini new moon on June 6, 2024 creates enthusiasm and optimism for the collective. Jupiter may not be as powerful in this sign – nevertheless, it is still an excellent time for us to harness Gemini in our birth chart and discover our potential. Mercury loves to write, so this is the perfect week to journal and write down what we want, what we are planning, and what we hope to learn for this next transit that will impact us over the next six months.
What Each Zodiac Sign Can Easily Manifest With Astrological Energy June 3-9, 2024
Aries: improved communication
Over the next six months, you will see how your communication skills will improve thanks to the new moon in Gemini, the same sign as Jupiter. Taking back control will be a theme this week, and the new moon in Gemini will help you along the way. It is a time of building, perfecting and mastering new skills. Discipline is essential to continue in the long term. Be open to opportunities that will help you achieve mastery over the next six months.
Logging prompt: How confident are you in your self-expression? Discuss a time when you were connected to your community. Do you long to meet new people during this transit?
Taurus: success
As the new moon in Gemini graces your chart, you can focus more on your progress and achievements. The week begins with the moon in your sign which helps you get closer to your desires, dreams, goals and ambitions. Now is the time to develop self-confidence with this new moon transit which will push you to new levels. Create a game plan, modify it, or find a muse among your friends to help you harness this energy.
Logging prompt: What are your strategies for saving and building your finances? Are you ready to make changes around the house and ditch unnecessary items?
Gemini: Eloquence
The week brings you a lot of momentum now that we’re officially in your season and experiencing the abundant energy of Jupiter in your sign. This can be a time when you may feel excited and overwhelmed by the information you want to explore. The transit can also help you learn to become more patient and focused over the next six months. This week’s New Moon wants you to listen to your heart and choose what connects you to what you desire.
Logging prompt: Discuss the significant teachers you met along the way. How have they shaped who you are? How did they inspire you?
Cancer: reflection
The new moon in Gemini is a good time to ground yourself and understand the importance of taking care of yourself. You are entering a new chapter where rest is a priority before taking action at the start of your season. As Jupiter’s transit in Gemini brings us all together, you can choose to do your work on your own, without the distraction of others. There might be a period where you dissect your friendships and discover the new relationships you want to make.
Logging prompt: Think about the people you cherish in your life. How did they push and motivate you? How will you exercise your independence during this New Moon transit?
Leo: lucrative connections
As Gemini season continues to bring us gifts, you’ll feel much more engaged in the energy this week. You may feel more ambitious and optimistic about taking on new challenges. The new moon will allow you to meet people who will help you broaden your horizons and connect with others on a new level. Expect to have intellectual discussions that will be enriching. These people could also help you explore new territories by exploring your creativity.
Logging prompt: Discuss any potential plans or ideas you have during this Gemini moon transit. Are you interested in traveling? Discuss where you would like to go.
Virgo: Concentration
As a sign that rarely backs down from a challenge, this new moon will be an eye-opening time, showing you what areas of your life you want to change and what you desire to accomplish. Get ready to tap into your inner warrior and feel passionate about your goals. As Saturn continues to throw some curveballs, the lessons will help you find your path and focus for the year ahead.
Logging prompt: What are some things you will do to help you feel more confident and empowered? List what sets you apart. What makes people gravitate towards you?
Libra: Courage
The new moon prepares you to explore new terrain and fall in love with the people you meet. This energy creates a feeling of romance and joy as the new moon makes you more optimistic and open to new experiences. It would be best to be honest about what you want in your relationships. Some lessons and experiences from the past could be amplified during this time. Be open to learning from them.
Logging prompt: Discuss the type of partners you attract. Describe your current or previous partner. What are you looking for in your current or future relationship?
Scorpio: Enlightenment
Closing certain chapters in your life is now essential, but granting yourself peace and healing is another effect of this transit. The moon in Taurus helps you reflect on the past and the new moon pushes you to discover yourself and who you are meant to be. There might be a challenge now regarding accepting the love around you and the people who give it. Be open to love during this transit.
Logging prompt: Are you a trustworthy person? Think about who you trust. What qualities make a partner or friend trustworthy? Will you be more willing to open up emotionally during this New Moon transit?
Sagittarius: Partnership
Your self-esteem and how you can nourish yourself take priority this week. To thrive in your relationships, you must be open to accepting love from others and loving yourself. These relationship topics can open you to new methods of healing and connecting with others. Gemini season will focus on your relationships and connections. You may have felt more comfortable working alone and being independent. However, this Gemini season allows you to socialize, establish new relationships and not run away from your emotions. Feel them.
Logging prompt: When was the last time you felt betrayed? How did you overcome the injury? Discuss how you will incorporate more self-love during this transit.
Capricorn: take care of yourself
The season will bring you back to basics, and the new moon is a great time to refuel and figure out how you can improve your time management skills. This will also be a wonderful time to evaluate and check how you have focused on yourself and taken care of yourself. Self-care is essential, especially if you’re feeling overworked and exhausted. Gemini season will emphasize health, so start making positive changes if you need to with this new moon.
Logging prompt: Discuss what you like to do when you want to relax. Have you allowed yourself to take it easy? When was the last time you had a self-care day?
Aquarius: Affection
The week you may continue to feel as romantic as last week, Jupiter in Gemini and the new moon in Gemini add a dose of optimism to your romantic life. The next six months can allow you to find a muse, connect with her, and create something magical. You are in your element during this time and this can make all your relationships balanced and secure. The new moon brings healing energy to your heart and mind.
Logging prompt: In what ways do you show your love and support to your romantic partner? Discuss your fun plans with the people you love during this transit.
Pisces: foundations
As a mutable sign, this week’s energy brings you a lot of clarity, pushing you to investigate. You are now open to this process, especially with Jupiter bringing you stability and grounding energy. The new moon will continue to help you learn from home and bring that prosperity to your immediate surroundings. Receiving and giving help is a theme of this transit, and seeing the value of a network of supportive people can help you uplift and develop in new ways.
Logging prompt: Who do you admire? What do you plan to learn from them during this transit? How has your support system helped you over the past year?
AT Nunez is an Afro-Latina astrologer and philosopher living in New York. She is passionate about astrology and aims to keep writing more about stargazing in the future.