The Venus Star Point, or Venus Cazimi as it is also known, will occur in Gemini on June 5, bringing new magical energy into the love horoscope of each zodiac sign this Wednesday. As Venus travels through the heart of the Sun, she is renewed, confident and in love – a new cycle of magnificent love begins! Miracles are possible now. Anticipate dramatic turnarounds and improvements in your relationship. Prepare to turn the page of the past and start again.
Love horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac as of June 5, 2024:
Allow yourself to dust off any past heartache or hurt that is still affecting how you show up in your current relationship. What you’re building now isn’t like it was before – which also means it’s time to really share your feelings with your partner. Take this step and create the new beginning you want in love.
Just because you’ve always approached love a certain way doesn’t mean you have to keep it that way. You decide what you will create and accept from others, which means it’s also time to take back your own power. Don’t be afraid to say you want it all, because that’s exactly what you deserve too.
The love you attract will only reflect the love you have for yourself. Not because you deserve more, but because it can be difficult to receive deeper affection than you have been able to develop within yourself. Take this chance and start a whole new love story with yourself, and don’t be afraid to raise your standards.
Falling in love sometimes means letting yourself be carried away by this little bubble of love. The only reason it hasn’t worked out in the past is because of the person you chose, not because love itself is imperfect. Let yourself hope and enjoy this bubble of romance, because expecting the best will truly help you get the fresh start you want.
You may realize that you cannot figure out your current love situation on your own. Whether you’re unsure about a particular offer or saying yes to a new date, recognize that you don’t have to figure out everything on your own. There are people in your life who love you and want to help you, so it’s time to open up and use the positive connections in your life to process what you’ve been through so you can truly trust everything. that you choose.
Become gentler for love. Allow yourself to create space for your partner to introduce themselves, trusting that they will. Often you want someone to be more intentional in the way they love you, but you don’t always create the space for that to happen. Trust that you have a solid foundation in your relationship and that you can move into an era of gentleness and ease.
Create a new phase of experiencing everything you can with your partner. Just like you don’t like being locked into anything, neither do they. You can’t really complain about not doing anything new together if you don’t initiate it. Relationships thrive on the ability to try new things and experiences together – and in this case, it will also help you understand that you don’t necessarily need a new relationship to get a fresh start.
It’s time to change the way you think about relationships, which also means how you approach matters of the heart. In order to get different results in the future, you need to change the way you approach situations. When you realize that what you send is what you attract, you can then ensure that you become the partner you hope to call into your life.
As much as love is meant to be appreciated, it needs a dose of seriousness. Whether it’s by better understanding the feelings of everyone involved or simply realizing that you can’t continue to approach love as just a game and hope to attract a life partner, it’s time to let your love mature. There is still room for spontaneity, but now there can also be a coherent basis.
You must become determined to follow your heart. You understand that you have this deep desire for sacred, peaceful connection in your life, but that also means you need to become more intentional in creating it. Even the smallest changes can allow for more of the connection you want, which starts with being vulnerable with your partner and reminding them that this is one of the best parts of your day.
Your feelings matter. Sometimes they matter more than anything else in your life, because if you don’t really feel something, you can’t convince yourself of it. Pay attention to how you feel, notice what brings you joy, and make sure you invest your energy only in what truly resonates with your heart. When you prioritize your feelings, you set the standard for your partner to do the same as well.
Cancel your plans and plan a night out with your love. Turn off the phones and dive deep into the connection space you’ve created. Right now, that’s all that matters, and that’s okay. You’ve spent a lot of time working to create what you have now, so taking the time to receive it and fully enjoy it is the best way to continue attracting more.
Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life advisor and curator of bespoke retreats.