According to the World Health Organization, more than 55 million people worldwide have dementia, which describes a range of symptoms – such as memory loss, general cognitive impairment and psychological changes – as well as specific conditions. such as Alzheimer’s disease. Cases continue to grow at an alarming rate, with around 10 million people developing dementia each year.
This highlights the importance of brain health, an umbrella term that emphasizes the well-being of all cognitive skills and abilities. Dr. Zaldy Tan, director of the Maxine & Bernard Platzer Lynn Family Memory & Healthy Aging Program at Cedars-Sinai, explained that “brain health is the state that allows a person to adequately perform important daily functions such as only targeted movements. , communication, reflection and learning.
“As a society, we should pay attention to brain health early in life,” Dr. Dylan Wint, director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, told HuffPost, adding that Brain health is influenced by “choices made.” over the course of a lifetime. »
It is important to note that genetics, chronic illnesses and other individual risk factors can play a role in the development of dementia. However, doctors agree that there are universal ways to significantly improve your cognitive functioning. According to dementia experts, here are seven brain health rules to adopt that will keep your mind sharp as you age.
1. Incorporate regular exercise into your weekly routine
Research has shown that regular physical activity benefits cognitive functioning, reducing stress, counteracting hormones that worsen anxiety, and sharpening memory.
As Tan explains, “Exercise is important to ensure healthy arteries and adequate blood flow to the brain, and also reduces the risk of falls that can lead to head trauma.”
You don’t need to sign up for a 5K or go to the gym every day; it is very important to prioritize consistency over intensity. “Find ways to incorporate more movement into your day: walking, dancing, gardening. Whatever works for you,” said Heather M. Snyder, vice president of medical and scientific relations for the Alzheimer’s Association.
2. Challenge your brain with new activities
The brain may not be a muscle (it’s an organ), but a good rule of thumb is to treat it like one. Experts suggest that strengthening the brain by developing new skills can promote neuroplasticity, which encourages the brain to adapt, change and develop over time.
“You can try brain games, a new hobby, take a class at a college or community center, or learn a new language or instrument,” Wint explained. “To determine whether an activity may have cognitive benefits, the most important thing is that you are challenged and that you learn.”
3. Sleep, sleep, sleep
Aiming for a good night’s sleep – around seven hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep – is essential to keeping cognitive functions in tip-top shape. During nap time, the brain is still working to eliminate toxins that are directly linked to an increased risk of developing dementia, as well as general cognitive problems. Additionally, sleep plays an important role in consolidating memory, processing emotions, and improving problem-solving skills.
“Do everything you can to minimize disruption,” Snyder said. “If you have sleep-related problems, such as sleep apnea, talk to a healthcare professional. »
Snoring, grinding your teeth, excessive daytime sleepiness, and frequent trips to the bathroom at night are signs that you may have an underlying sleep disorder.
4. Give your mind a break
In addition to allowing you to get enough sleep, scheduling intentional downtime gives your mind the much-needed space to relax, recover, and reset.
“Just like our muscles and joints need to recover after an intense workout, our brain needs a period of rest after a stressful, busy day at work or a night of socializing,” Tan said, adding that times Intentional downtime can look like “short naps.” during the day or even just by closing your eyes and meditating.
5. Fight chronic stress and high blood pressure
Not only is addressing potential sleep issues essential to boosting your brain, but combating chronic stress is crucial for cognition.
According to Tan, chronic stress can “lead to high blood pressure, which is detrimental to brain and heart health.” In fact, studies have found that high blood pressure (i.e. hypertension) leads to memory loss, a greater decline in planning and organizational skills, and an increased risk of stroke.
Dietary changes and prescribing blood pressure medications are two common methods doctors use to treat hypertension.
6. Stay social
Another key rule for brain health is to avoid social isolation. “As social beings, the human brain thrives on interaction with others. … When this doesn’t happen, our memory and cognition can decline over time,” Tan said. “It’s important to stay engaged and connected with others. »
This doesn’t mean you have to turn into a social butterfly if you’re an introvert, but rather find a social activity that’s meaningful to you. Wint noted that this may include spending time with loved ones, participating in sports or cultural activities, becoming involved in a spiritual community or volunteering for an organization.
7. Stop smoking (or reduce your tobacco consumption)
The physical health risks of smoking are widely recognized, but the damage to the mind cannot be overstated. There is strong evidence to suggest that smoking causes brain volume loss and premature aging, directly increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia.
Snyder explained that “quitting smoking can reduce the risk of cognitive decline to levels similar to those of people who have not smoked.”
While quitting smoking is certainly ideal for those who care about their cognitive well-being, it’s important to recognize that not everyone can or wants to completely eliminate tobacco from their lives. In this case, try to reduce the harm of tobacco, for example by choosing modern smokeless tobacco products or reducing your overall consumption.
Likewise, alcohol is a known neurotoxin that causes short- and long-term neurological damage. It is therefore optimal to reduce consumption for brain health.
Although you can’t completely control how your brain ages, adopting simple rules like these can pay off in the long run. “When should we start adopting these rules? The sooner the better, but it’s never too late to start,” Tan said.This article was originally published on HuffPost.