How 2 quasars at the dawn of time could be a Rosetta Stone for the early universe

A double quasar spiraling towards a big merger has been discovered, lighting up the ‘cosmic dawn’, just 900 million years after the Big Bang.

They are the first quasar pair spotted this far in cosmic time.

Quasars are growing rapidly supermassive black holes in the nuclei of hyperactive people galaxies. Torrents of gas are thrown down the throats of black holes and become stuck in the bottleneck of an accretion disk, which is a dense ring of ultrahot gas that is lining up to fall into the black hole. All this does not fall through; The magnetic fields enveloped in the rotating accretion disk are capable of lifting many charged particles and sending them back into deep space as two jets fleeing at almost the same distance. speed of light. The jets and accretion disk combined make the quasar appear very bright, even over billions of distances. Light years.

This illustration shows two quasars merging. Using both the Gemini North Telescope and the Subaru Telescope, a team of astronomers discovered a pair of merging quasars observed just 900 million years after the Big Bang. Not only are they the most distant pair of merging quasars ever discovered, they are also the first confirmed pair found in the period of the universe known as the cosmic dawn. (Image credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/M. Garlick)

Since every large galaxy has a monstrous black hole Just like its dark heat, when galaxies collide and merge, their supermassive black holes eventually do the same. At the Cosmic Dawn – which describes the first billion years of cosmic history, when stars and galaxies first appeared on the scene – the expanding universe was smaller than it is today, and therefore galaxies were closer together and merged more often. Yet while more than 330 single quasars have been spotted so far in the universe’s first billion years, the expected abundant population of double quasars has been conspicuous by their absence – until now.

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