Mondays usher in positive energy. You have the chance to do things better than the week before.
With the Moon in analytical Aquarius fostering a sense of rebellious energy, you may try to innovate an old, tired way of working or find a tool that streamlines your productivity. The Sun will be in Cancer, so it’s a wonderful day to cook, shop, and spend time at home or at your favorite local restaurant to order a comforting meal.
There are many good things to look forward to on this first day of the week. Let’s also see what your tarot card reading predicts for you.
Tarot horoscope for each sign of the zodiac for Monday June 24, 2024.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
The Tarot: The Empress, reversed
Every day is an opportunity to do one thing for yourself, but sometimes you let time slip by and miss the boat. Set a date and time at the end of the day and don’t break that promise with yourself. It can be anything that calms your mind and brings you peace. Self-care is so important, Aries. You deserve it, and when you take care of yourself, everyone around you will benefit from your investment.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
The Tarot: Ace of Cups
Love is such an incredible experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re falling in love for the first time with someone new or have feelings for a partner you’ve been with for years. The joy of emotional attachment and affection is yours with the Ace of Cups tarot card. The stars roll out a magnificent red carpet so that you and your partner can spend a pleasant weekend together.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The Tarot: Ten of Swords
Sadness is internalized pain, and when the feeling of sadness comes over you, it means you are ready to heal. You may not know where to start on this powerful journey of closure. Rather than doing it yourself, talk to a trusted friend who you’ve observed experiencing personal transformation in their own life. Talk to a counselor, therapist, or spiritual guide. It may seem difficult to take that first step now, but once you start, you will begin to feel stronger, more empowered, and lighter in your spirit.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
The Tarot: Death Reversed
Are you opposed to change? As a Cancer, whose zodiac sign rules the house, familiarity and comfort mean something to you. This trait could be one of the reasons why you like to maintain the status quo. Today we encourage you to resist this aspect of your inherent nature and step out of your comfort zone. This may make you uncomfortable, but imagine that you are on the other side, happy and brave in the life you have always dreamed of!
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
The Tarot: Nine of Cups, reversed
You can be with someone and love them very much, but feel that there is a part of your heart that is unfulfilled. Today’s Nine of Cups, reversed, highlights the emptiness you feel in a partnership; However, this desire doesn’t mean you have to break up. This might mean you need to diversify. Explore your personal interests. Pursue friendships and hobbies and cultivate a sense of identity outside of your partnership. Be a friend to yourself and see how that enhances your union – maybe even making her feel more special than she does to you right now.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
The Tarot: Queen of Pentacles
You can be rough around the edges sometimes, but what people may not realize is that your toughness is because you care so much about their growth. It’s a day when your maternal, nurturing energy shines. As you begin to love others, make sure they enjoy the experience as much as you feel they need them. You want to be loving, but it’s important to know that they want to receive that care from you.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
The Tarot: Five of Wands
You can always tell when someone is a hater and not a supporter. The green eye of envy is alive and well in the life of a person in your circle of trust. They may be a little resentful toward you because you have the discipline to do something they want to do, but refuse to dedicate their time and energy to finishing it. You can’t make them feel better if they don’t work for themselves. You may not need to overshare your success and give them the space to change on their own.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
The Tarot: Two of Pentacles
Even when two people love each other very much, there must be space to grow as individuals. You may find that your relationship has reached a plateau and it’s time to do things separately. Set a date night for a couple, but make time for friends and people you enjoy doing things with to add variety. Diversity in love is the spice of life.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The Tarot: Four of Pentacles
Are you putting off a difficult experience because you don’t want to face it? Difficult feelings can arise when you suppress them. Rather than ignoring what you’re experiencing today, address it. Write if it helps you put your thoughts into words. Use a voice recorder if you want to take a note and come back to review it later. You heal yourself and it is an investment in yourself.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
The Tarot: The Tower, reversed
You are at that special moment where the challenges you face are coming to an end. Soon you will see the true impact of what happened. When the Tower is inverted, it is a sign that you have avoided the worst. You were able to work around complex issues without long-term consequences. No matter what, you can and will overcome it. You are the hero of this powerful chapter, and it is coming to an end.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
The Tarot: Nine of Wands
It takes courage and courage to know your limits and establish structures to prevent others from crossing them. You can be assertive and gentle when telling people how to respect you. This day can provide many opportunities to show that your power comes from within and that you are not willing to put aside your needs to be kind or avoid conflict.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
The Tarot: The Emperor
You’re kind and gentle like a Pisces, but you also know when to be a force of nature. When you receive the Emperor tarot card, it is a battle cry. In one area of your life you are on the verge of declaring war. You can plan to stop a bad habit or get through a difficult breakup without crying over what was lost. You move forward with a brave heart and your head held high. You set the rules for your life and you stick to them.
Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is the horoscopes and spirituality editor of YourTango. She studies at the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.