Pamela Anderson, a Cancer.
Photo-illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images
Saturn, which has been in Pisces since early last year, is slowing down all this week in preparation for its retrograde station Saturday afternoon. When the planet of discipline and authority begins to recede, you may feel like there is no one to enforce the rules, like your parents are distracted or the teacher has left the room. It can be liberating, but the lack of structure can also become stressful, so use this retrograde (it ends on November 15) to think about what responsibilities you’re willing to take on. We all need boundaries. Decide what you want yours to look like. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each sign of the zodiac below.
You tend to feel happier and more like yourself when you start a project, embark on a journey, or take a leap into the unknown. In these beginning moments, life seems hopeful and full of possibilities; the whole world is open to you. Everything can happen. But sometimes, even when the thrill of a new adventure is what you to wantthat’s not what you need. You might find more satisfaction if you focus on something that’s already in the works this week. You might even be happier if you simply give yourself time to rest.
You understand that no person is just one thing. Human beings are complex creatures; no one is all Good or all bad. Cruelty and generosity can coexist in the same person, as can wisdom and ignorance. At least you to want believe all this. Lately, it’s easy to get caught up in binary thinking, classifying those around you as good or bad, friends or enemies. This may offer you a comforting sense of order, but it prevents you from seeing people as they really are. Stay open this week: don’t put anyone on a pedestal and don’t exclude anyone either. That everyone (including you) is complicated.
You hate it when others tell you what you’re “supposed” to think about an issue, how you “should” feel about another person. Your thoughts and opinions are your own and you refuse to be intimidated into conforming. Your independent side could lead to conflicts with people in your life – especially at work – this week. The more you stay true to yourself, the more frustrated others seem, but it’s not your job to turn around or play nice. Sure, there may be consequences for speaking your mind, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.
Taking risks doesn’t always come naturally to you. You are too aware of everything that could go wrong, of everything you have to lose if you fail. You will always set ambitious goals, but your strategies for achieving them tend to be conservative. Just be careful not to fall into shyness. You can’t always choose move boldly, but you are more than capable. Take a risk or two this week to remind yourself how much courage you have. Don’t underestimate yourself.
The temptation to compare yourself to the people around you is strong. How else are you supposed to understand your place in the world? But right now, it seems like everyone is accomplishing so much more than you: the people around you continue to be successful, and those on social media all seem to have such great lives. You fear falling behind. Fortunately, your anxiety will likely ease this week. Maybe you’ll experience your own exciting developments, or maybe you’ll just remember how little it matters what other people do. You live your life, not theirs, and that’s enough.
It’s hard to feel like you’re letting down the people in your life. You work hard to do right by those you love, to be generous with your time and energy. However, remember that disappointing people is not necessarily a bad thing. Yes he could it means that you are acting selfishly, but it can also mean that other people’s expectations of you are unreasonable. You can be a good friend and a valuable part of your community without being constantly available to everyone. Your life is your own and you have the right to say “no”.
Sometimes, even if you work hard, your problems seem insurmountable. There is too much to do with too little time and support. You keep moving forward, but it’s hard to imagine a way to overcome all this stress. And then, against all expectations, the pressure drops. The hard work isn’t over, but your confidence will return this week, and that will make all the difference. You’ve been through worse than this and you’re not intimidated. Even if others underestimate you, you are done underestimating yourself.
Lately, you’ve been trying to keep chaos at bay by imposing strict order in your daily life. You imagine that you can maintain a bubble of peace in a disorganized world if only you can keep your routines running smoothly, manage your schedule precisely, and attend to your to-do list with careful attention. But this is not sustainable in the long term. No one is perfect, and even if you were, other people tend to interfere in our plans. You might as well expect the unexpected. Leave yourself room to play, to dream, to make mistakes.
No one stays exactly the same throughout their life. We all grow and change; the new environments we enter and the new people we meet illuminate different facets of who we are. This week, parts of yourself that you thought were outdated, or even thought lost forever, may begin to reappear. Feelings that you suppressed or forgot about come back. The dreams you abandoned are calling you again. If you need a second chance, you might get one. You’re older and wiser now, and this time around things might be different.
Fear is a completely reasonable response to the world around you. Everywhere you look you see suffering and unhappiness, people mistreating each other. Maybe you’re worried about the future, or maybe your life right now – either way, it’s hard to be optimistic. This week, try to put your fear aside. At some point it stops protecting you and starts holding you back. The worst case scenario is not predetermined. It takes courage to live like something better is possible, but you have plenty of it, so call on it now.
People keep advising you to be upfront about your needs and expectations, but it’s hard to be open about what you want when you’re not even sure what it is. East. If you knew what you wanted, you would fight for it. But as things stand, you only have doubts. Your challenge this week is to move forward anyway, knowing that your plans and desires can change. No one else expects your entire future to be mapped out, so stop expecting to know everything. You have the right to change your mind. This is not a failure; it’s just life.
You’re not the type to stir up trouble just for the sake of it – you’d rather keep the peace as much as you can. But sometimes living authentically and with integrity means having to break social rules; you may need to disappoint the people in your life, stray from what is expected of you, or fight your internalized ideas about what you “should” do. This week is a good opportunity for you to surprise people, to choose the path less traveled, to live the life you really want, even if it is difficult.
Read it weekly horoscopes for the week of June 16. The weekly horoscopes for the week of June 30 will be online next Sunday.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyante’s Guide to the Stars, here.