5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve Dramatically The Week Of July 1-7

A new month has arrived and with it comes the opportunity for a beautiful new beginning for relationships of five zodiac signs with the Cancer New Moon on Friday, July 5.

Cancer is the sign of home, family, and the kind of domestic intimacy that lets you know that the love you have is one that will last forever. It’s not looking for short-term flings or even just a distraction, but it will truly help you find the person with whom you can continue to grow.

But before you can enjoy this beautiful new beginning, there’s some work to do, as Neptune retrogrades in Pisces on Tuesday, July 2. Neptune retrograde removes the rose-colored glasses of illusion and allows you to see the truth—not only about your relationship, but also about yourself.

This is a time when all one-sided relationships or those that are the product of fantasy will now be revealed, helping you embody the truth so that you can make the decisions to attract a better love. While Neptune rules dreams and illusions, it also brings the lesson that what is real will also be more beautiful than what is merely imagined.

Saturn, the planet of duty and responsibility, in Pisces, will align with Venus and Mars in Cancer, starting Wednesday, July 3, to help you settle your obligations and begin to develop a plan for greater fulfillment in love.

While patience will be more than just a virtue this week, if you make an effort to enjoy periods of reflection and know when it’s time to make a life-changing decision, you can be sure that you’re on the right track. The truth is never something to be feared in matters of love: it only reveals what is truly real.

5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve Dramatically The Week Of July 1-7

1. Virgin

You may want to take some time for yourself at the beginning of the week, Virgo, as you may discover new information that could have a huge impact on your relationship. This doesn’t mean you’ll be facing a breakup, just that what you thought isn’t the reality.

As Neptune retrogrades in Pisces, you may discover that some of the “truths” you’ve been acting on were more perceptions, or even wounds. Your partner and your relationship may actually be healthier and better than you thought—or you may discover that your partner’s outlook on the relationship is actually completely different than yours. This isn’t a reason to give up hope, but you do need to take responsibility and be open to seeing situations differently.

Saturn in Pisces will also align with Venus and Mars, which could test your patience or ability to hold space for your partner. Try to recognize that you may need to understand your thoughts or accept that you’ve been seeing things differently than they actually are before having conversations.

While this connection can be saved, you must also be willing to be flexible to make that happen.

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2. Capricorn

When you can let go of the past while learning from it, you’re entering the best possible place for love. There are no rules that require you to punish yourself for the rest of your life or live in fear that situations will go back to the way they were. You deserve to break free just as much as anyone else, dear Capricorn, because no one deserves to be judged by their worst moments.

As the Cancer New Moon rises on Friday, July 5, try to open your heart, first to yourself and then to your partner, so that you can not only let go, but truly forgive. Forgiveness continually paves the way for new beginnings in love, but it must be sincere and come with a promise to no longer dwell on the past.

You’ve been so committed to becoming a better you and changing the way you are with your partner that you haven’t realized that you’re already doing everything you can. You don’t need to constantly approach love as if you could lose it at any moment. Having some trust, especially in yourself and your healing, can help you feel confident and deserving of these new beginnings.

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3. Fish

There’s no better time than now to grow and blossom, Pisces, especially since it’s going to bring you the love you’ve been craving. Neptune will be retrograde in Pisces on Tuesday, July 2, joining Saturn here, and giving you a space to really figure out how to improve yourself.

Although you have been in an ultra-serious mode recently, trying your best to do the work that needs to be done, you must now understand that a big part of this journey is simply allowing yourself to receive. Boundaries are always essential when it comes to love, but once you are confident in the ones you have created, you must also be open to accepting the love that your partner is trying to offer you, because you are about to be offered everything you have ever wanted.

As Neptune and Saturn work to help you heal, learn, and grow, the Cancer New Moon on Friday, July 5th, will offer you a serious commitment. This is a new beginning in a committed, serious, and forever relationship, one that you’ve been afraid to get your hopes up about. It’s understandable that you’ve wanted to take it slow and try to build that foundation, but it’s also time to allow yourself to do what you do best: love.

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4. Aquarius

Love doesn’t have to be all or nothing, Aquarius. It doesn’t mean you have to compromise your dreams or that your person has to be your everything. Some of these ideas are overly romantic and have threatened to steal your joy in the past, but it’s also about recognizing that you can have your own beautiful life while still having the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

As communication planet Mercury enters Leo on Tuesday, July 2, conversations will focus on love, your relationship agreements, and what you need to feel truly loved. Remember, you don’t have to agree or accept everything—every decision you make should ultimately be one that not only brings you peace, but resonates with your truth.

While Mercury in Leo inspires more conversations about love and romance, a lot of Cancer energy is still present, which means you’ll need to take care of yourself and think about what you really need from your partner. Cancer inspires not only physical care in the form of rest or massage, but also emotional and spiritual well-being, which means if you don’t have space for a big conversation, it’s better to wait than to force yourself to try to show up.

Try to find a balance between taking care of yourself and continuing to discuss what needs to be discussed, remembering that you will never need to force what needs to be.

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5. Aries

You are currently entering a period of unique opportunities in your love life, so it is important that you take advantage of the opportunities that will present themselves. This means building your confidence, trusting your instincts, and reminding yourself that you deserve everything you have dreamed of.

As Mercury enters Leo on Tuesday, July 2, conversations will take on a more serious tone, especially in terms of marriage, planning a future, and even a lifelong commitment together. You may not feel ready for what you want, but you need to trust that if it’s happening to you, then everything is happening in divine timing as well. Try to believe in your own readiness and allow yourself to receive everything you’ve ever wanted.

While Mercury in Leo brings discussions about deepening a relationship or commitment, the New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5 helps you believe that a new beginning is possible. It’s about letting go of the past and believing that you’re ready for what you’ve planned—but you also need to remember that no matter what you’ve been through, you deserve happiness and love.

Try not to let fear have too loud a voice so that you can fully embrace this new beginning and allow yourself to create this new chapter of love.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Be ‘The Universe’s Favorites’ During Cancer Season, June 20-July 22

Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life advisor and curator of tailor-made retreats.

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