Doctor Reveals ‘Common Theme’ She Sees Among Cancer Patients in Eye-Opening Viral TikTok Video

Let’s be honest: We all get stressed sometimes, and even if we try to avoid it, we all go through particularly stressful times. From job changes to big moves to huge losses, stress is a normal part of the human condition, it seems.

But Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy wants to warn us: Our experiences with stress and how we deal with it are much more important to our physiology than we think.

Dr. Connealy is following the studies of Bessel van der Kolk, best known for his book, The body keeps scoreto the letter. The basic premise of the book is that our bodies literally keep a “score” of our most difficult experiences and how well we have or have not managed to overcome them.

We may have noticed that we caught a bad cough one day while working overtime at work, or right before visiting family across the country, or in the middle of moving to a new country. Each of these examples is a stressful experience for us, and sometimes that stress expresses itself in illness.

Unfortunately, our bodies also track the number of these illnesses. Over time, our bodies record our increasing “scores” and can reshape our physiology to accommodate what our bodies perceive as our natural stress state. This can lead to higher cortisol levels, weight gain, more anxiety and depressive episodes, and more.

But more importantly, Dr. Connealy points out, it can lead to cancer.

In an in-depth and heartfelt precautionary TikTok video, Dr. Connealy explains:

“A common theme I see with patients all the time is that they have usually experienced a very, very stressful event.”

“It could be extreme working conditions. It could be a child, it could be a parent, it could be a divorce, but they’ve usually been through extreme stress, which as we know affects the whole hypothalamic-pituitary axis and cortisol production. And extreme cortisol production contributes to how cancer grows and proliferates.”

Essentially, whether we have cancer or not, our stressful experiences make us sicker, and if we are not careful to practice positive self-regulation exercises and minimize our external stressors, we are more likely to suffer more serious illnesses than just a common cold.

You can watch the video here:


New research suggests that elevated levels of cortisol and stress hormones play a key role in cancer development, metastasis, and increase the risk of recurrence. Excess of these hormones can be directly cancer-causing by suppressing immune function, promoting inflammation, and inhibiting normal cellular function. Addressing and mitigating stress should be a top priority when treating cancer. Stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, increase in response to perceived stressors. They play a role in the “fight or flight” response and help mobilize energy stores, increase heart rate and blood pressure, and sharpen focus to deal with immediate threats. Stress hormones are absolutely necessary because they allow the body to respond effectively to stressful situations and ensure our survival. Tips: Spend time in natural light soon after waking up and get enough sunlight Ensure adequate intake of necessary nutrients, especially protein, fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins, vitamin C minerals, etc. Balance hormones Get enough sleep for your body Limit exposure to toxins Practice gratitude and mindfulness Hug and spend time with loved ones Take frequent walks in nature Find ways to express your creativity

In the caption of his video, Connealy explains:

“New research suggests that elevated levels of cortisol and stress hormones play a key role in cancer development, metastasis and increase the risk of recurrence. Excess of these hormones can be directly carcinogenic by suppressing immune function, promoting inflammation and inhibiting normal cellular function.”

“Treating and alleviating stress should be a top priority in cancer treatment. Stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, increase in response to perceived stressors. They play a role in the “fight or flight” response and help mobilize energy stores, increase heart rate and blood pressure, and sharpen focus to deal with immediate threats.”

“Stress hormones are absolutely necessary because they allow the body to respond effectively to stressful situations and ensure our survival.”

“Tips: Spend time in natural light shortly after waking up and get enough sunlight. Ensure adequate intake of necessary nutrients, especially protein, fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins, vitamin C minerals, etc.”

“Balance your hormones. Get enough sleep for your body. Limit exposure to toxins. Practice gratitude and mindfulness. Hug and spend time with loved ones. Take frequent walks in nature. Find ways to express your creativity.”

Some people suddenly became concerned about all their fellow TikTokers.






Others agreed with Dr. Connealy’s logic about stress and cancer.






Luckily, Dr. Connealy had some good news for us in another video.

Although specifically geared toward cancer patients and patients in remission, Dr. Connealy shared a key point that we could all apply to our own health journey.

Dr Connealy says:

“There is no finish line to health. You always have to optimize your health.”

Whether we’re already in great physical shape or feel like we couldn’t do a single push-up right now if we tried, there’s still time to improve our physical health, and even when we’re just starting out, there’s always room to improve or refine our fitness journey.

Fun ways might be to try a new path during our daily walk, try a new recipe, or try a new meditation. Each of these approaches is new and different to improve our health, but as long as we work at it, we are moving in the right direction.

The same can be said for our mental health, emotional regulation and stress levels.


Health is a lifelong journey, not a destination reached through a single effort. The end of chemotherapy or radiation treatment does not mean the end of the journey, but rather a transition to the next phase. After treatment, the journey toward maintaining and improving health continues. It is up to you to live a stronger, healthier life.

This entire conversation reminds us how important it is to avoid stressful situations when possible, to practice our bodily and emotional self-regulation, and to engage in relaxing and rejuvenating activities.

Now, if you’ll excuse us… we’re going to focus on the level of stress that constitutes excessive stress.

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