Weekly Horoscope for July 15-21, 2024 for the 12 Zodiac Signs

This week’s horoscope reveals that if we allow the collective to channel its energy into pursuing its dreams, magic happens. When the Moon enters Sagittarius on the 16th, it will carry the messages of the Moon in Scorpio but with more idealism and hope. We are able to see the vision and implement the new plans with Mercury now in a fire sign, guiding us to continue navigating the new landscape.

Mars will enter the sign of Gemini on the 20th, a new chapter, especially for the Mutable and Air signs. Mars here will allow us to refocus on communication, research and connection with others. This is a transit that will fuel Jupiter, creating an explosive period with an influx of news and information.

The week ends with the second Full Moon in Capricorn, allowing us to revisit some themes from last month’s energetic Full Moon. The transit can help us analyze the work we are doing and rekindle the passion and ambition we once had for it. This is a critical time with the return of a Full Moon to help the collective close some critical chapters.

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Here’s what to look out for in the weekly horoscope for July 15-21, 2024 for each zodiac sign.


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Transforming your home or workspace into a place that brings you inspiration and enthusiasm will be the theme of the Moon’s transit in Scorpio. When the Moon enters Sagittarius, you will be able to analyze your philosophies in more detail and go deeper.

Mars in Gemini adds a lot of focus to your planning process and allows you to make new connections for the next few weeks. The Full Moon in Capricorn reminds you of what you want from your career, education, or overall goals. This can be a reset for you, where you start taking action to make those dreams come true right now.

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The Moon in Scorpio this week will bring your attention to your relationships, healing, and personal transformations. Having the Moon in Sagittarius around midweek helps bring more joy, but it will also allow you to give yourself more attention and self-love.

Focus on yourself and make sure to show yourself some love. Mars will enter Gemini, bringing a new perspective to your relationships and overall plans.

You can be more flexible about your changes of mind during this time. When the Full Moon enters Capricorn, it can be revitalizing and feel like an awakening as the transit will make you more optimistic.

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A very powerful week for you with Mars entering your sign on the 20th, which will have you working hard and dreaming big. The week begins with the spirited Moon in Scorpio reminding you to take care of yourself and take it easy when necessary.

The Moon in Sagittarius can help you connect with your friends or romantic partner, as your communication now seems much more lively. The Moon in Capricorn will help you think about areas where you can bring more balance to your life. If you have been neglecting your family, relationships, or career, you will be able to repair your foundations and strengthen them.

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Growth and power are synonymous with the Moon in Scorpio at the start of the week, allowing you to rediscover what you want to create and achieve now that your creativity is active. The Moon in Sagittarius will bring you a lot of focus and determination as the people around you will spark something within you that will push you to rise above.

Mars in Gemini carries the same message: take inspiration from others and work on what you dream of. The Full Moon in Capricorn will allow you to develop strong connections that will help you make breakthroughs in your career if you are willing to put in the work.

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As you approach your season, you may enjoy the presence of a few planets in your sign, giving you a sense of control and autonomy. The Moon in Scorpio allows you to uncover the mysteries and secrets surrounding your home. It also allows you to create your master plan.

The Moon in Sagittarius is a good transit, adding more romantic energy and activating the planets in your sign. Getting those projects started is easy with Mars in Gemini giving you the motivation to get things done. Consider connecting with others and seeing how they inspire you. The Full Moon in Capricorn adds structure, empowers you, and helps you heal from whatever has hurt your heart.

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The Moon in Scorpio brings out your strategic side. You will make breakthroughs through research and have confidence in your abilities with Mars in Cancer, which will provide support. Things get much more interesting with the Moon in Sagittarius, which reminds you of your responsibilities.

Similar themes appear with Mars entering Gemini. So take your time to finish things, don’t rush and review. The Full Moon in Capricorn brings you a lot of optimism and passion for the road ahead. You may feel more excited for the week ahead and experience some closure regarding past relationships.

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To build and develop good routines, the Moon in Scorpio gives you the essentials to continue feeling more in tune with your projects. Having the Moon in Sagittarius for most of the week can bring a positive and confident force that allows you to reach for the stars.

Mars will also enter Gemini, a favorable aspect for your sign as the air energy will bring you more confidence and passion for your work. The week ends with the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year, allowing you to focus on matters of home and career expansion. Ask yourself where you see yourself in the next six months.

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Start the week strong with the Moon in your sign, building momentum for the powerful changes to come. Believe in yourself and trust the process. As the Moon enters Sagittarius, you can see how your experience will allow you to catapult any project or new initiative since you have the tools to take on a leadership role.

On the 20th, Mars enters Gemini, a transit that will teach you to fight for your dreams and not settle for less. The Full Moon in Capricorn echoes themes from last month and this week, allowing you to feel more connected to the people you interact with. You enter a period of embracing your new role as a leader and listening to others. Be more willing to compromise.

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Practice compassion and patience with yourself during the Scorpio Moon. This should be your time to recharge and prepare to write your next chapter. The Sagittarius Moon brings healing, comfort, and clarity as you reconnect with yourself. This is also a time when relationships come into focus, especially once Mars enters Gemini on the 20th.

Whatever changes or rebalancing you’ve experienced in your relationships throughout the year are coming back. The Full Moon in Capricorn will bring back some of the themes from last month, a time when you’ll learn to value yourself and appreciate what you have to offer.

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Getting back into connection with friends and family could be a manifestation of the Moon’s transit in Scorpio earlier this week. You’re also setting bigger goals and seeing the vision once the Moon enters Sagittarius. As Mars enters Gemini later in the week, it’s a time to revamp your routines and find a way to achieve more victories.

The Full Moon in your sign allows you to consider the lessons of the last Full Moon a month ago, a time when you can feel more comfortable with your purpose and direction. You are entering a new phase where you will learn to appreciate your talent and intellect.

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It will prove fruitful for you to focus your efforts on improving and structuring your foundations. The Moon in Sagittarius will strengthen you and help you feel productive, especially when those you trust and respect lend you a helping hand.

Mars’ entry into Gemini is another notable transit, giving you the motivation and optimism to reach for your dreams. As the Full Moon brings the focus back to your work and discipline, you know you can handle these lessons as they will echo your need to have more confidence in yourself and the work you do.

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The dynamic energy of water can always prove beneficial for your sign, and with the Moon in Scorpio earlier this week trine your sign, the flow will be welcoming. Get back to basics and trust your process. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. The Moon in Sagittarius fuels your ambition and allows you to set solid goals that Mars in Gemini will help you achieve.

The Moon in Capricorn brings you into more romantic contexts, letting you know that it is essential to create balance in your relationships, especially in romantic relationships. The month allowed you to reconnect with love and open your heart to it.

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AT Nunez is an Afro-Latina astrologer and philosopher living in New York. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.

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