It can be tempting to think that once you’ve gotten through the initial getting-to-know-you phase, you have a complete picture of who your partner is. However, this mentality often creates difficulties later on if, in your eyes, they change and act differently than the first version of themselves you met before.
No one is ever a finished product, at least if they’re lucky, which means that even if you feel a spiritual connection with your lover, you should never stop learning about them or even what makes them tick.
The more you can allow yourselves to know each other, the more adaptable you will be in times of change or even growth. By embracing this energetic influence as the Cancer Sun aligns with Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, July 17, you can allow yourself to create a deeper connection with your partner, embrace recent phases of transformation—and find an even deeper love than you thought possible.
Love horoscope for each zodiac sign for July 17, 2024:
While it’s important to allow room for the changes your partner is going through, Aries, it’s also essential to do the same for yourself. In this case, it could be that your partner hasn’t drastically changed who they are or even how they approach love, but that you’re going through your own phase.
Try to let yourself evolve, Aries, even if it may be difficult. Let go of that old version of yourself, because it will make all the difference in your relationship.
Just because your partner isn’t who you thought they were doesn’t mean it’s a negative aspect, Taurus. You may need to spend more time thinking about what you need, a particular version of your partner, especially since it doesn’t affect the relationship you’ve created.
Everyone has the right to change and grow, even your partner – and yourself. But the more you can create your own security and stability, the more you will be able to love your partner no matter what stage they are in.
You can’t approach matters of the heart with a different set of rules for you and your partner, Gemini. You love adaptability, changing your mind, and going where the wind takes you.
Yet when your partner acts the same way, you feel offended, like they have no right to be someone other than what you need them to be. This doesn’t have to be the end of love, especially when it can help you appreciate the connection you have. Instead, realize how compatible you and your partner are.
Indulge in this new version of yourself, dear Cancer. Embrace the journey by realizing that you can become whoever you want to be or feel called to explore.
Don’t bother trying to pigeonhole yourself into any personality, especially since the love you desire won’t be found there. Enjoy your close friendships, focus on enjoying life, and see every minute as a chance to learn more about who you really are.
When you change the way you view love, Leo, the love you receive changes as well. You need a different kind of relationship than you’ve had in the past, but it seems like you still don’t know what that really means to you.
Instead of ignoring these feelings, allow yourself to explore new avenues and see what works best for you. When you tap into what resonates with your soul, you’ll be more likely to find a love that’s right for you.
Let yourself explore what attracts you the most, Virgo. This is an incredibly exciting and rewarding time in your life and in your relationship as well, but you need to stop holding on to previous plans or even that old comfort zone.
Focus more on building a life based on what you want to feel, including happiness. The more you allow yourself to simply be happy, the more miracles you will attract, which may just be the change you need in your relationship.
Make sure you align with your partner, Libra, and don’t necessarily give up anything for them. There are many opportunities coming your way, but you need to make sure you’re in a position to seize them.
Refuse to build your life around someone else and instead focus on creating the healthiest partnership possible. Space can help fuel not only your individual dreams, but also a deeper sense of intimacy.
You are invited to begin exploring romantic possibilities in the same way you have for the rest of your life, Scorpio. Allow yourself to change your routine and even your mindset so that you don’t miss out on what’s coming up in your life.
You don’t need to know where this is going to lead you at first, but surrendering to the process and being open to new developments in love will help you experience more of what you’ve been dreaming of. Enjoy this new chapter, Scorpio, because this is exactly what you’ve been working so hard for.
The small changes you make today, Sagittarius, will have long-term effects. But above all, it’s about making a positive change in your life so that you can start feeling better about the decisions you make in your relationship.
Take time today to do what you need to feel your best, and even write down in a journal what you need in your romantic relationship. Adapting to change also means understanding that you may want something different than you did before, and growth is about acknowledging that.
If the wedding bells aren’t ringing yet, Capricorn, it’s only a matter of time. You may be changing your mind about your desire to get married, or even commit more deeply to your current relationship.
When you are truly in love, your past fears no longer matter. Let your heart guide you today, and whether through conversations or even asking the question yourself, honor the changes that have brought you to this moment.
Aquarius, you need to feel like your home is your refuge from the world. This means not only that you need to feel safe and surrounded by comfortable furniture, but also that you need to feel comfortable in your romantic relationship.
Try to lean into these feelings instead of trying to avoid them so that you can focus more on what needs to be done and feel at home, not only in your home, but also in your romantic relationship.
The most beautiful changes happen when you least expect them, dear Pisces. In your heart, you have shown yourself ready for a special romantic relationship, but it seems that some fears have crept in recently.
Try to allow yourself to continue to be vulnerable, express your truth, and say exactly what you want for this relationship. While fears are normal, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that your partner is on the same page.
Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life advisor and curator of tailor-made retreats.