7 Bedtime Tips That Will Make You Healthier in the Morning

You know the TikTok trend of creators with frowns and pimples on their faces and masks or oils in their hair, claiming that “the uglier you go to bed, the more beautiful you wake up?” We would like to suggest an alternative that does not depend on how beautiful you wake up, but on how you wake up. in good health You’re waking up. Being your best self doesn’t necessarily require a lot of energy or time during your waking hours; With a few tips and tricks, you can actually be healthier while you sleep. Think of it as the simplest habit stack ever created. Keep reading to discover seven nighttime health tips that work their magic while you sleep so you wake up healthier than you went to sleep the night before.

1. Take magnesium

Magnesium may not get as much hype as probiotics or colostrum, but it plays a major role in multiple functions in the body (magnesium plays a role in over 300 reactions, as Sonya Angelone explained , RD). Women’s health) and can be taken before going to bed to gain many benefits. Taking magnesium in the evening can help you have regular bowel movements the next morning because magnesium is a smooth muscle relaxant; this helps with muscle contractions that push stool through the intestine. Having regular bowel movements first thing in the morning can help alleviate gut health symptoms throughout the day and is an important step in the body’s daily detoxification process. “Going to a bowel movement first thing in the morning can eliminate these symptoms (feeling bloated, stuffy, etc.) so you feel better throughout the day,” gastroenterologist Dr. Peyton Berookim MD, explained to Eat this, not that!

The mineral may also help you wake up healthier, as it can help you get restful sleep, which means waking up more rested the next day. It works to relax our muscles more than the digestive system, helping to relax the whole body and decrease cortisol levels, meaning you can wake up feeling rested and refreshed without the drowsiness that can accompany other supplements promoting sleep like melatonin.

2. Glue your mouth

Perhaps the epitome of our take on TikTok’s motto “the uglier you go to bed” is the use of duct tape for the mouth. Taping your mouth shut while you sleep leads to increased energy and reduced anxiety the next day, not to mention better sleep, a more defined jawline, and reduced bad breath. Because the mouth bandage promotes functional breathing (inhaling and exhaling through the nose into the diaphragm) rather than poor breathing (breathing through the mouth into the chest), you get 10-20% more oxygen and better traffic. This results in more energy, reduced inflammation, and potentially less stress when you wake up. As for how nasal breathing can change facial structure and improve dental health, it comes down to poor or good tongue posture and working different muscles when you breathe through your mouth or nose .

3. Replace blue light with red light

You already know that blue light at night, whether from your phone, laptop, overhead lights, or TV, can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. So you may know that opting for red lights before bed can help you sleep. However, red light therapy before bed can also improve energy the next day, thanks to the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm works like an internal 24-hour clock; When the body is exposed to “daylight” (or blue light), the body shuts down melatonin and increases cortisol, but it is also a sign that melatonin production will begin again in about 12 hours. When the body experiences red and orange wavelengths (like a sunset), the body interprets it as a sign of increased melatonin production, then gradually slows melatonin production over about 12 hours. Balancing the circadian rhythm is essential for both sleep and energy.

When your body is exposed to blue light at night, not only does it increase cortisol and stop melatonin production for poor sleep quality at night, but the body may not completely stop melatonin production and increase cortisol for optimal energy and alertness the next day, leaving you feeling groggy, tired or lethargic. In other words: Red light therapy at night can help you wake up as soon as your alarm goes off and feel more energized throughout the day. So switch to red light bulbs, meditate in front of the red light, or pick up a book instead of doom scrolling or staring at your latest vintage romantic obsession.

4. Set the thermostat to 65°F

Another simple trick that can make you healthier while you sleep? Cool temperature. Cold sleep is essential for regulating hormones that play a crucial role in overall well-being. One of the hormones affected by cold sleep is human growth hormone (HGH), which means you can actually help build muscle while you sleep. Sleeping in cold weather can also affect your metabolism. A 2014 study found that sleeping in a cooler environment (around 66 degrees Fahrenheit) can increase metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity by burning brown adipose tissue (or “brown fat”) so you can generate heat while you sleep to cooler temperatures, which can help with everything from weight management to insulin-related PCOS.

Whether you’re hot or cold, experts agree that keeping your bedroom between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 72 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for optimal sleep. That said, if your sleeping environment is too cold, it can also disrupt your sleep. So if you find 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 72 degrees Fahrenheit to be too frigid, try adding a light layer to your bedding. But if you’re trying to stay cool at night, you might consider sleeping in breathable sheets, keeping a glass of cool water on your nightstand, and wearing lightweight cotton pajamas (or sleeping naked).

5. Manifest yourself while you sleep

According to neurology experts like Dr. Joe Dispenza and manifestation gurus like Mimi Bouchard, you can actually become the best version of yourself and manifest your dream life while you sleep. The ideal time to manifest is actually when you are falling asleep, as you have greater access to your subconscious to rewire any limited beliefs that are holding you back. Author and manifestation expert Roxie Nafousi swears the biggest changes in her life came when she started falling asleep through guided meditations because it reprogrammed her brain faster. Our subconscious mind absorbs information better when we are in a relaxed state, making it easier for you to overcome your limiting beliefs and manifest your dream life. Instead of falling asleep watching again Friendsuse a guided sleep meditation (we like ones from Dr. Joe Dispenza or the Superhuman app, but you can also find many for free on YouTube) to fall asleep by tapping into your highest self and rewiring your brain to live your best life.

6. Set a smart alarm clock

Organizing your next day to be healthier doesn’t just depend on how you sleep, but also how you wake up. And it’s time to put an end to this stress-inducing jolt. When you use a standard alarm clock, you run the risk of being woken up when you are in a deep sleep phase, leading to sleepiness throughout the day, which can lead to lower productivity and mood, which can affect the rest of your day. . When you use a smart alarm clock that monitors your sleep cycles, it determines the best time for your body to wake up. By timing your alarm clock with a lighter sleep cycle, you’re more likely to wake up feeling alert and with better cognitive functioning (think: thinking, reasoning, remembering, and learning) instead of your usual morning sluggishness.

Whether you opt for a wearable sleep tracker or a sleep tracking app, like SleepScore or Sleepwave, you can set a window of time when you want to be awake, such as 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. The device or app will detect when you are in a lighter sleep phase between the programmed time range. You’ll wake up at your body’s ideal time for less anxiety and drowsiness throughout the day—no more hitting the snooze button.


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7. Program your coffee maker

Imagine you’re in bed on a Monday morning after your smart alarm clock (read: above) gently wakes you up. As soon as you open your eyes, you smell the brewed coffee. Instantly, you’re more energized and excited to start your day before you even leave your bed. You may think that while drinking Coffee puts a pep in your step, but the smell of coffee alone has been shown to improve working memory and boost alertness for better mental and physical performance. An international group of scientists reported that inhaling this aroma can alter the activity of certain genes in the brain, thereby reducing the effects of lack of sleep, such as drowsiness, inability to concentrate and anxiety – no sip is necessary. Opt for a coffee maker with a timer so you can schedule your cup of coffee to be ready before you even get out of bed, giving new meaning to something worth getting out of bed for.


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