These 3 Healthy Habits Could Help You Live to 100, New Study Says

I love watching news stories about people reaching over 100 and hearing what they attribute their longevity to. One might say they had a glass of whiskey every day, while another might claim they never had a drop in their life. Some talk about having a partner to laugh with, others say it’s about staying single. And of course, some emphasize staying active and eating a healthy diet. All of this highlights the role genetics play in longevity.

We also explained how certain lifestyle factors can impact longevity. For example, following Blue Zone principles can help you live longer, such as limiting added sugar, eating “just enough to fill you up,” moving more, and prioritizing sleep and stress reduction.

However, few studies include people aged 80 and over – until now. Researchers in the United States and China wanted to know whether following a healthy lifestyle later in life was associated with a higher likelihood of becoming a centenarian (people who live to be at least 100 years old), and their results been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association June 20, 2024. Let’s see what they found.

How was this study carried out?

Data come from the China Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), an ongoing national survey of a cohort of the elderly population in China. Data were collected in eight survey waves conducted in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2018, with follow-up of pre-existing participants and recruitment of new participants in each survey cycle.

Since these researchers were studying people who were likely to live to be 100 years old, they had to be at least 80 years old if they entered the study between 1998 and 2008, and at least 90 years old if they entered in 2008.

There were a total of 5,222 participants. About 62% of them were women and 38% were men. The average age was 94 years. In addition to age and gender, other sociodemographic information was collected, including place of residence (whether urban or rural dwellers), years of education, marital status, and background self-reported medical conditions for chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, heart problems). disease and cancer).

Centenarians were classified as “cases”. They were then compared to people of the same age and gender who entered the study the same year but died before the age of 100. This second group was classified as “control”. In other words, centenarians were compared to people of the same age and gender who lived shorter lives so that their lifestyles could be compared.

Of the 5,222 participants, 1,454 were classified as centenarians and 3,768 as controls since they died before the age of 100. This places the matching ratio at 1 centenarian for 4 controls (1:4).

Researchers established a healthy lifestyle score (HLS) based on five lifestyle components: smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, dietary diversity, and body mass index (BMI). These variables were assessed using in-person questionnaires and physical examinations by trained field workers from the local Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Katherine L. Tucker, Ph.D., distinguished professor of biomedical and nutritional sciences at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and one of the study’s authors, explains that for each lifestyle domain, there were three categories possible:

  • Alcohol: non-drinker, moderate drinker, heavy drinker
  • Smoking: never, former, current
  • Exercise: never, former, current
  • Dietary diversity: low, moderate, high
  • BMI: low, high, normal

“In these orders, each category was given 0, 1 or 2. These were then added together with a range of 0 to 10; the total score was predictive (of living to 100 or not),” says Tucker. Eat well.

What does this study suggest?

After several statistical analyses, the researchers found that compared to the group with the lowest score (those with an HLS of 0 to 5), the group with the highest score (score of 8 to 10) had 57% more chance of living to 100 years old. .

Based on the results of this primary analysis, the researchers reconfigured the HLS into a different survey that they called the HLS-100. This time, they included only smoking, exercise and dietary diversity, as they felt this better reflected this age group’s healthy behaviors and associated health outcomes.

The possible points awarded have been reduced for the HLS-100, as have the groupings. Individuals with 0 to 1 points were classified into the “unhealthy lifestyle” category and those with 2 to 3 points into the “healthy lifestyle” category. After performing statistical analyzes for the HLS-100, compared to the unhealthy lifestyle group, the odds of reaching age 100 for the healthy lifestyle group increased to 62%.

The researchers used “becoming a centenarian with relatively healthy health” as the outcome. “Health status” included the absence of self-reported chronic health problems, normal physical and cognitive function, and good mental well-being, all of which were also assessed using validated questionnaires. This is important because longevity does not necessarily equate to a good quality of life.

The question this now raises is: did certain variables have more influence on living to 100?

“The factors that most contributed to becoming a centenarian were, in order, physical exercise, never smoking, and eating a varied diet,” says Tucker. “Alcohol consumption alone was not associated with the centenarian. »

How does this apply to real life?

In this study, dietary diversity was assessed based on regular consumption of five food groups: fruits, vegetables, fish, beans, and tea, all nutrient-dense foods that provide antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals needed for good health. Fruits, vegetables, and beans also provide fiber, which is linked to many health benefits, including living longer.

According to supplemental materials provided with the study, exercise included activities such as Qigong and running. Since Qigong is considered light to moderate intensity and running is vigorous, this covers the intensity spectrum, meaning all exercises count.

Participants’ mental well-being was determined by asking questions about anxiety and loneliness. Loneliness is proven to increase inflammation and decrease immunity.

Additionally, stress, lack of sleep, and anxiety are all linked and can cause physical and mental distress. For example, stress can disrupt your gut and even decrease the number of beneficial bacteria that reside there. Fewer beneficial bacteria can increase inflammation. And inflammation can be the root cause of many physical and mental conditions.

All of this is to say that we need to take a holistic approach to health. Eat a variety of foods, move your body regularly, get enough sleep, manage your stressors, and maintain positive relationships. Who knows? You too may live to be a hundred years old!

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