5 Signs Your Body Is Telling You You’re Eating Too Much Protein, According to a Registered Dietitian

WWhen it comes to protein, the general consensus is usually: eat more of it. Like, a lot more. It’s no wonder people put cottage cheese in All to obtain these gains. But how much does it cost Also much for your well-being?

There’s no doubt that adequate protein consumption is important for many reasons. The macronutrient is vital for building, repairing, and oxygenating the body, producing digestive enzymes, and helping regulate hormones. But according to Melanie Murphy Richter, RDN, a registered dietitian and neuronutritionist, you can have too much of a good thing. “Too much of anything can lead to side effects and unwanted results, and protein is no exception,” she says.

Below, Richter shares five ways your body tells you that you may be eating too much protein and how to determine the appropriate amount to consume based on your specific needs.

5 Possible Signs You’re Eating Too Much Protein

1. Digestive problems

Constipation is a telltale sign of excess protein, Richter says, especially in those who aren’t properly hydrated. This is usually because while you’re consuming one macronutrient, you may not be eating enough fiber-containing foods (like complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables). So it’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes fiber and fluids to keep things moving.

Richter adds that getting too much protein in your diet can also lead to excess gas and even diarrhea, “especially if other nutrients like B vitamins or vitamin C found in fresh fruits and vegetables are lacking in the diet.” food “.

2. Dehydration

Richter explains that consuming protein causes the production of urea, a byproduct found in urine during protein metabolism. “You have to remove it (from the body). This, in turn, increases urination, which can potentially lead to dehydration or even electrolyte imbalances,” says Richter. Symptoms of this type of dehydration can include fatigue, lack of concentration and muscle cramps, she adds.

3. Kidney stones

“Too much protein can put pressure on the kidneys2“, which are responsible for filtering out excess nitrogen produced during the breakdown into amino acids,” Richter says. “Over time, this can potentially lead to kidney stones or other more problematic kidney issues,” she says. (And anyone who’s had a kidney stone can tell you: You’ve had them not Want one.)

4. Bad breath

Excessive protein consumption can also impact oral health. “When proteins are broken down in the body, they can increase the production of ammonia, which is a byproduct of protein metabolism. This can cause visible bad breath,” says Richter.

5. Changes in hormonal balance

According to Richter, overconsumption of protein can impact two nutrient-sensing pathways in the body: mTOR and IGF-1, which can impact heart health, longevity, and potentially cause unintentional weight gain if overactivated. “This is especially true if your protein intake is not also balanced with physical activity so that the protein is properly utilized,” she says.

Some research studies also suggest that excess IGF-1 may be linked to a increased risk of cancer and mortality3. Meanwhile, high amounts of mTOR can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease4. Richter adds that these fluctuations in mTOR and IGF-1 can also “cause you to age prematurely, accelerating the rate at which your health will decline.”

How much protein is too much per day?

Richter says the answer isn’t universal, in part because intake recommendations vary based on your age and physical activity. She says it’s a “very debated topic, and people’s recommendations vary widely.”

According to her, most Americans already consume (or even exceed) the recommended daily intake. In fact, data shows that the average American woman eats about 68.7 grams per day, which is exactly within current dietary recommendations. “As a longevity expert, I can tell you that one gram of protein per pound of body weight (or more) is an absolutely excessive amount of protein, especially if you don’t do rigorous exercise every day “, explains Richter.

How should I calculate my protein intake?

“The ideal protein intake for the average person is approximately one gram per kilogram (not per pound) of body weight. This would equate to about 68 grams per day for a person who weighs 150 pounds,” Richter says as a general recommendation.

Keep in mind that these recommendations should not be interpreted as strict recommendations and may vary depending on individual needs. For example, Richter says athletes or people in recovery may want to increase their protein intake to 1.2 to 2 grams per pound of body weight. “However, these levels should not be maintained for long periods of time,” she says. Indeed, research suggests that eating more than 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight over the long term can lead to serious health problems.

What is the healthiest protein to eat?

Richter recommends adopting a plant-based diet whenever possible. “Research shows that animal protein consumption6 can trigger pathways (mTOR and IGF-1) at an exponentially higher rate than plant proteins,” she says. Richter also points out that excessive consumption of animal protein has been associated with a increased risk of heart disease and all-cause mortality7.

Richter recommends replacing animal foods with plant foods like legumes (lentils, peas or chickpeas), beans (black or red), tofu, nuts (and nut butters like peanuts or almonds) and seeds (such as hemp). But she adds that meat and fish can also have their place in a healthy diet. She recommends increasing fish intake (such as trout and fresh or canned tuna) and supplementing it with poultry, eggs or beef once or twice a week. “For women who menstruate, animal-based protein sources may be more bioavailable forms of iron during the menstrual cycle,” she adds.

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  1. Weiner, me David et al. “Urea and ammonia metabolism and control of renal nitrogen excretion.” » Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: CJASN vol.10.8 (2015): 1444-58. doi:10.2215/CJN.10311013

  2. Ko, Gang-Jee et al. “The effects of high-protein diets on kidney health and longevity.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN vol.31.8 (2020): 1667-1679. doi:10.1681/ASN.2020010028

  3. Gulick, CN et al. “Exercise, dietary protein, and the combined effect on IGF-1.” » International Journal of Scientific Methodology and Research vol. 16,3 (2020): 61-77.

  4. Zhang, Xiangyu et al. “High-protein diets increase cardiovascular risk by activating macrophage mTOR to suppress mitophagy. » Natural metabolism flight. 2.1 (2020): 110-125. doi:10.1038/s42255-019-0162-4

  5. Wu, Guoyao. “Dietary protein intake and human health.” Power supply and flight function. 7 (2016): 1251-1265. doi:10.1039/C5FO01530H

  6. Song, Mingyang et al. “Association between animal and plant protein intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality.” » JAMA Internal Medicine vol. 176.10 (2016): 1453-1463. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.4182

  7. Huang, Jiaqi et al. “Association between plant and animal protein intake and overall and cause-specific mortality.” JAMA Internal Medicine flight. 180.9 (2020): 1173-1184. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.2790

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